03 Apr 2017 World Missions Project Video
Thank you for your support for this year's World Missions Project. To help communicate the Roma Project, you can download the Roma Project video here: Roma Project Video...
Thank you for your support for this year's World Missions Project. To help communicate the Roma Project, you can download the Roma Project video here: Roma Project Video...
Thank you for your support for this year's Home Missions Project. To help communicate the R1 Project, you can download the vision video here: Full Version Video Short Version Video ...
A mosaic is a beautiful work of art. What’s interesting about this piece of art is that it is made up of many broken pieces. These pieces come in different shapes, colors and sizes and they’re not much by themselves. But when they are brought...
Our Centennial Celebration kicked off with a great time at Ministers’ Enrichment as we recognized God’s favor and anointing in the past and were challenged to anticipate even greater days ahead under the guidance and empowerment of the Spirit. Check out some of the pictures and comments on our...
MinistrieSummit in GT Church in Reading https://vimeo.com/127840145 https://vimeo.com/127840146 https://vimeo.com/127838050 https://vimeo.com/127849306...
From Jeff Leake...
A semi-truck pulled out in front of Pastor Gerry…leaving him in the ER with bleeding in his brain and an unclear future....
Video (vimeo channel) https://vimeo.com/114787822/settings https://vimeo.com/114787824 https://vimeo.com/114787823 https://vimeo.com/114787825...
Audio Download http://vimeo.com/97551681 http://vimeo.com/97523480...
Thanks to everyone who made Ministers Enrichment 2013 a huge success and to Bryan Jarrett for the inspiration. Below are the messages. Audio (mp3 zip) Video (vimeo channel) [video type="vimeo" url="http://vimeo.com/77143166" autoplay="false" /] [video type="vimeo" url="http://vimeo.com/77219269" autoplay="false" /] [video type="vimeo" url="http://vimeo.com/77783886" autoplay="false" /] [video type="vimeo" url="http://vimeo.com/77223621" autoplay="false" /]...