We are excited for you to review our current missions project, missionary team and learn how you can support in a variety of ways. Our Secretary-Treasurer and World Missions Director, Jeff Marshall, is passionate about what God is doing around the globe through our missionaries. Jeff is available to promote either your missions program or world missions in general as a guest speaker at your church or event. If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact our office or your Sectional Missions Representative.
An important part of our missionary’s experience is itineration. When a missionary receives their appointment, they often sell their house or terminate a lease, and raise awareness of their missions assignment, as well as raise prayer and financial support so that they can begin their ministry. After going to the field, they will return every four years to itinerate. Finding adequate housing and furnishings can be a challenge for our missionaries. This is what is driving us to build a missionary duplex housing unit on the Bongiorno Conference Center property.
The design of this house is pretty specific to its use. It’s location is in central Pennsylvania, with access to major highways in all directions. Being on the BCC property creates safety and convenience to attend camps, conferences, and retreats that we host as a network. The house itself will accommodate two families, with a series of lockoff hallways which will give both units flexibility to meet a variety of family sizes. Most importantly, this unit will reduce housing costs during itineration, and eliminate the need for house-hunting for some of our missionaries.
Our desire is to break ground in the Spring of 2024. Your offering or faith promise given by the end of 2024 will enable us to complete this project in 2024, and will be a significant blessing to our missionaries, and ultimately, to the cause of spreading the Gospel around the world.
Your gift will assist in building Missionary Housing at the Bongiorno Conference Center. To give online, click the button below. Thank you for your consideration.
PennDel Ministry Network is an “open network” for General Council Career/General Appointed Missionaries from other approved sending networks. Our pastors and churches are pleased to partner with missionaries who preach the gospel where it has not been preached and plant the church where it has not been planted.
All Missionary Associates (M.A.) should contact Jeff Marshall regarding the itineration policy and clearance for itineration.