22 Feb Women in Ministry 2017
Hi Girlfriends!!
I trust you have been ENJOYING YOUR RIDE after our great weekend last September! I know it gets bumpy at times; however, that is when we realize we are on a tandem bike with Jesus peddling for us!
SAVE THE DATE September 22-24, 2017 our theme will be FIXHER UPPER!
Repurpose, reclaim, replenish, restore, renew… so many words to describe the repairs we need in our lives. God is the original “fixer upper.” Our weekend will focus on allowing God to rejuvenate and renovate our body, soul and spirit.
Our main sessions will feature several of our PennDel gals who have refurbished their lives by allowing God to work in their hearts.
Jan Krebs – restore your mind after abuse
Bekah Arnold – restart your identity (after a dysfunctional past)
Robin Immel – refurbish your marriage
Marjie Tourville – readjust your attitudes
Please email me (Marjie@penndel.org) if you would like to share your 10-minute testimony this year.
The grace of God will restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. I Peter 5:10.
The brochure will be posted online and sent out hard copy in June.
Love you!
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