26 Apr UNITY: Dare to Dream Big Together
What I want to write about to you today is something that God desperately desires for
his people…UNITY.
There are two things that the enemy fears and works day and night to undo. He wants to fight against our dreams and the dreams we dare to fulfill together!
It is something which Jesus himself prayed for just before He went to the cross. John 17:20-21 says, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.”
Unity is the one thing that the Bible says will convince people the church has something the world does not. It is one of the big things that the Holy Spirit is meant to accomplish.
When I speak of unity, let me say it straight that I’m not talking about:
Union: when you are bonded with someone with whom you may not have a common bond.
Uniformity: when everyone looks alike and thinks alike.
Unanimity: where everybody ought to always agree on everything.
I don’t expect either uniformity nor unanimity to exist in our church.
But what I do want, what God desires and what we must have, is unity!
By unity, I mean a oneness of heart, a similarity of purpose, and
an agreement on truth. This is how I believe the church needs to
“Dare to Dream Big Together!”
The enemy’s strategy to defeat the church is to ‘’divide and conquer,” which is no match for a united church, no matter what size the church
may be. Satan cannot defeat a united church that Dares to Dream
Big Together because there is no place where he can attack the body. Every part is covered.
A big part of Steve and Marjie’s legacy will be what they have spoken over us, how they have modeled the way for us and reminded us that we are “Better Together,” and we will be… if we continue to Dare to Dream Big…Together!!
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