30 Jan Reset Your Life: Physically
The New Year has traditionally been a time to hit the “reset” button on different areas in life. I’ve found myself in this cycle every January with my health. I didn’t need to be told what it looks like to be healthy or that it is important to be healthy, yet I found myself meeting the statistics of being an unhealthy pastor. Pastoral Care Inc. states that “over 50% of pastors are unhealthy, overweight, and do not exercise” and that included me. 2018 was the year I hit my reset button for health, losing nearly 100 pounds, my blood pressure dropped, and I saw my health and ministry improve.
If you want 2019 to be the year you hit your health reset button, here’s three questions I have learned to ask myself which may help you:
What is my reason for getting healthy?
What will I do to achieve my goal?
Who will hold me accountable?
Most people don’t need to be convinced that health should be a priority in their life, so why the struggle? Your reason must be personal and may be different than what you know it should be. I knew I should be healthy for various reasons; however, those reasons didn’t motivate me to lose weight. My reason was my wife, future family and ministry. I struggled as a pastor constantly asking, “How can I pastor others towards spiritual health when I was so far from physical health?” Your reason may not be my reason, and that’s okay.
Once your reason is determined set yourself up with your steps toward your goal. Find the diet and exercise plan that will get you there and follow through. For me that was counting my calories and macro-nutrients, lifting weights and cycling. If something does not seem to work try something different. My wife and I tried everything from Vegan to Keto Diets until we found what worked. Talk to your doctor and determine the best plan for you. Then tell this plan to somebody you trust and give permission to who will hold you accountable.
What would it look like for you to hit the reset button on health? There’s no better time than now to begin this journey.
David and his wife, Michele.
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