02 Aug Ministers Enrichment 2016
Staying Healthy While Leading Others
We are delighted to have John Palmer, President of Emerge Ministries, with us for this year’s Ministers’ Enrichment.
John is committed to helping us through preemptive ministry to be emotionally, mentally, and relationally healthy as we face the stresses and pressures of leadership.
[tabs titles=”Sessions, Schedule, Accommodations, Meals”]
SESSION 1: Focusing through Self-Leadership Questions – Effective leaders don’t have to have all the answers; we do need to know which questions to ask.
SESSION 2: Maintaining Your Work/Life Balance – It’s NOT ok to take care of ourselves. It is ESSENTIAL.
SESSION 3: Dealing with Personal and Leadership Pain – Common causes of leadership pain are criticism, betrayal, toxic culture, conflict between vision and tradition, heartaches at home and compassion fatigue.
SESSION 4: Developing Resilience – Bouncing Back – Resilience can be learned and developed, no matter our age or personality type.
Monday, October 3
5:00 pm Dinner: Surf & Turf
7:00 pm – SESSION 1
9:30 pm – Afterglow
Tuesday, October 4
8:00 am – Breakfast
9:30 am – SESSION 2
11:45 am – Convoy of Hope Lunch (DE Room)
12:00 pm – New to PennDel Lunch (PA Room)
12:15 pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – Recreation Time (Convey of Hope Golf Tournament / Tennis / Basketball / Free Time)
5:00 pm – Dinner: Mexican Fiesta
7:00 pm – SESSION 3
9:30 pm – Afterglow
Wednesday, October 5
8:00 am – Breakfast (ACTS 2 Journey in PA Room)
9:30 am – SESSION 4
Country Inn & Suites
1529 Commerce Ave., Carlisle, PA 17015
Rate: $99.00
(priority reservation by 9/20/16)
Fairfield Inn & Suites (Marriott)
1528 East Commerce Ave., Carlisle, PA 17015
Rate: $85.00
(priority reservation by 9/3/16)
Hampton Inn
1164 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, PA 17013
Rate: $119.00
(priority reservation by 9/3/16)
Residence Inn
1 Hampton Court, Carlisle, PA 17013
Rate: $119.00
(priority reservation by 9/3/16)
Bongiorno Conference Center
Rooms are sold out.
The Budget Buster Bunk Rate is still available at $16.00 per person per night
(bunk in dorm style multiple occupancy space)
Call: 717-243-7381
Online: penndel.org
Individual Meal Plan: $54.00 per person
Couple’s Meal Plan: $108.00 per couple
Dinner: $16.00 (Surf & Turf)
Breakfast: $7.50
Lunch: $9.50
Dinner: $13.50 (Mexican Fiesta)
Breakfast: $7.50
2 ways to register for meals:
Online: penndel.org
or complete a Meal Order Form
(please submit your order by 9/23/16)
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