When I first started in Children’s Ministry, I only focused on kids and the Sunday morning service. It’s what I was comfortable doing and what I loved doing the most! It became evident after a few months that this couldn’t be my only priority. I was receiving feedback that I had not been performing in some crucial areas. This was shocking at first because I was doing what I knew how to do! I realized I was missing the bigger picture and failing to invest in the other people who also had influence in the children’s lives. The catalyst for the turnaround of our ministry was when I began to pour into relationships with the staff, the parents, and my volunteers.
God brought two amazing men into my life who became mentors to me. They challenged, encouraged and pushed me to grow. As they shared experiences and wisdom with me, I understood how much I didn’t know. This sent me to my knees and I prayed that the Lord would give me a heart and passion for growth! My mindset began to change from thinking I knew it all to being open to learning from others and admitting I needed help.
Tyler White
Spring Valley Community Church, Royersford
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