20 May Reset
Who would have thought a pandemic would have us thinking differently of ministry? In the past two months, we have learned the church has left the building, pushed through the challenges and found new ways to do ministry. Personally, as I’ve watched, read and listened to pastors and leaders talk about how they are doing the Great Commission right now, I feel so hopeful that we are on to something incredible! This season has caused a time of “reset” for all of us. That’s good news!
We’ve all worked on our computers when for some reason, things begin to not respond correctly, or everything slows
down. You see that irritating spinning action, and you’re stuck. What do you do? If you’re like me, you shut it all down and do a reset. The RESET causes everything to stop. Once the computer has time to reset, you open it again. Cleared of all the processes that had been running behind the scenes, you can begin again.
When I began as the Women’s Director last May, there was so much happening so fast, that at times it felt like I was on an out of control freight train. I move quickly, as I’ve heard people say, and I have a pretty good capacity to multitask, but in this time of “reset,” I have been able to think and pray about what I see in the future for PennDel Women.
Jesus took time away from the crowd to be with the Father. He taught us how to reset, but for many of us, taking time away is something we do not practice well.
One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and He prayed to God all night. (Luke 6:12) Soon after what? Jesus had been busy healing the sick and ministering to the crowds of people that followed him. Even Jesus, took time to reset.
Our new vision statement is: PennDel Women exists to create experiences for women to encounter Jesus, live empowered by the Holy Spirit and be equipped to impact their community.
In this season of RESET, we have begun some new experiences for women. Our Monday Moment’s with Liz has been
an excellent time to connect online with women on Monday mornings at 9 am. Our SISTERHOOD MATTERS began, and this
is another online opportunity to connect women to subjects that matter to them. We have also created a new arm of PennDel Women, LEAD WELL, which primarily focuses on resourcing women leaders.
Challenges bring new opportunities if you look for them. If we all keep looking, we will come out of this season stronger than ever!
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