There was a time not so long ago when our churches had special times of prayer, waiting on God around the church altar. These times often took place on a Sunday night in response to the preaching of God’s Word or a moving of the Spirit during praise and worship. Older saints and caring adults would often pray over teenagers. Many children and teenagers came to Christ, were filled with the Spirit, and were called to ministry during these altar times. Altar times knit the church family together and allowed His body to use their ministry gifts to build up His church. Unfortunately, many churches have moved from these special times for various reasons.

Yet, there is a question that haunts me. Where will our children and teenagers get to experience the power and presence of God in 2018? Who will call them back to the altar? It doesn’t have to be a physical location or a piece of furniture in the church but rather a genuine experience with Christ that leads to a daily encounter with Jesus. Where will our children be filled with the Holy Spirit and learn that they are loved and supported by caring adults? It’s time to return to the altar and encounter Jesus!

This next year, let’s have a passion to see a generation of young and old experience God’s transformative power. There will be an emphasis on the altar at each PDYM event in 2018. Would you join us this year in praying and challenging this generation? Start by praying for and over our young people. Then, challenge them to reject spiritual passivity and confront areas of compromise that prevent them from experiencing revival. May we once again discover that the altar is where God defines our future as He chooses to forget our past.

This is a call to those who still believe this generation is worthy of an altar experience. Who will join us in prayer, together reclaiming the altars? It starts at the Altar.

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