12 Apr 50th Pow Wow
For 50 years the PennDel District Royal Rangers, formerly known as the Eastern District until 1984, has been holding an annual Pow Wow/Campout where hundreds of men and boys have come together to share in fun, fellowship, activities, competitions, camping, devotions, Sunday School and evening worship services. Since our 1st Pow Wow in 1968 (patch shown here) thousands upon thousands of men and boys have ventured to this exciting event where it is estimated that over 3,000 boys have received salvation. This event is the highlight each year for outposts throughout the district and always promises to create memories that will be everlasting and life changing for all those that attend. It has been more than just a camping event; it has been an opportunity to help shape boys into godly husbands, fathers and community leaders.
Our 50th Pow Wow will be held at our own Camp Berry in Honey Grove, PA, on June 22-24, and promises to be a sensational event to celebrate the heritage of the Royal Ranger ministry in our district. There will be dynamic speakers, an awesome worship band, and exciting events for everyone who attends. A special commemorative patch and coin will be given to all those who register, along with other giveaways. You won’t want to miss this exciting event. All outposts are encouraged to attend and invite their pastors and all Royal Ranger alumni. You don’t have to be a Royal Ranger to attend. Come out for the whole weekend or just for the day on Saturday, June 23, and participate or just watch all the exciting activities. This will be one Pow Wow you won’t want to miss. Contact our Royal Ranger district commander at gscott@pdrangers.org or visit our website at www.pdrangers.org/penn-del-district-powwow for more information.
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