07 Mar Crosspoint Assembly Of God – Carmichaels, PA
Pastor Joshua & Anne Koss
Crosspoint Assembly of God has come such a long ways in the past two and a half years, and has become a “Beacon of Hope” within the Carmichaels region. From starting off with 12 people our first Sunday to now ministering to over 100 people every Sunday, Crosspoint has become the definition of a revitalized church. Much of the success is the direct result of the partnership of churches throughout the Southwest Suburban Section, as well as the support of what we consider our sister church, Faith Assembly of God in Uniontown PA. This partnership is exactly what the PennDel District has modeled from the top down “we ARE better together.”
As a result of God blessing the church in Carmichaels we have run into some really GOOD problems. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF ROOM. On a weekly basis we are ministering to over 35 children, that’s nearly one fourth of our population, and the majority are 10 and under. As a result of this growth we have quickly had to make structural changes to accommodate all the children, but now we need to expand our sanctuary so that we can continue to bring more people to Jesus. Currently we are over the 85% capacity for our sanctuary and this next phase of expansion will allow for us to seat an additional 50 people. In addition to a lack of seating in our sanctuary we have run out of room for parking. Right now we are in the process of expanding both our parking as well as our sanctuary, and this is where we are asking for your help in this next phase. After consulting with a number of contractors we are looking at a cost of $44,000 to pave our parking lot and an additional $20,000 for the expansion of our sanctuary.
So we are asking you to pray, believe, and partner with us in this season to help the church in Carmichaels reach more people for the Kingdom of God. Thank you in advance for your church’s support, love, and concern.
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