07 Mar Capital City Church – Harrisburg, PA
Pastor Freddie & Minnie Salas
God has granted Capital City Church a wonderful building right in the heart of Harrisburg. We have watched God grow the ministry of our church to reach those who live in the surrounding area, showing them Christ’s love and demonstrating our faith in the God of this city. In order to use God’s gift of this building to its fullest potential, it is necessary for us to repair, update, and improve our facilities.
Most obvious is the exterior of the building. First, to help with heating and cooling of the building, all windows (which are currently metal sash) need to be replaced with vinyl. This needs to be done before the exterior is refaced. The lower portion of the building needs a quality waterproofing application. Then the entire building needs an EFIS application. This is similar to stucco with a drainage system behind it. The building could be sided, but this is not recommended because siding can be easily damaged and can be a nesting place for rodents. The garage facing Chestnut Street needs a new updated garage door, and to make better use of our storage space, the larger garage facing the parking lot needs to be cleaned out, requiring a 30-yard dumpster.
On the interior of the building, there are a number of projects that need attention. In the sanctuary, all of the carpeting needs to be replaced due to water damage caused by flooding. To accommodate our growing congregation, we would like to update our sanctuary’s electronics and have two monitors (one on either side of the stage) for projection of the music lyrics and videos.
Upstairs is an area that is currently used for storage. It is our desire to convert the space into classrooms. To clean out the space will require a second 30-yard dumpster. Windows in that space have been closed in and we would like to convert them back into windows. Walls, acoustic ceiling tiles, flooring, auxiliary heat and air conditioning, lighting, doors, and furnishings are needed to complete the space. To accommodate the new classrooms, new bathrooms need to be installed and the existing upstairs bathrooms need to be completed.
It is our desire and obligation to be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. God’s building should be cared for and this facility has been neglected for years. These improvements are not only for us. We want to show appreciation to the One who has given us this building and this opportunity to witness His Holy Spirit move in such a mighty way. He is healing and setting people free. He is empowering people to live radically changed lives. And He is allowing us to walk with Him as He continues to move in this land. We know that as we care for the building God has given us, He will bless us with people to fill it and use it as He intends.
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