20 Sep Children's PK / MK Retreat 2013
We are so glad to announce that it is again time to register for the annual PK/MK (Pastors’ & Missionaries’ Kids) RETREATS! We are again offering two special retreats for our District PK’s and MK’s – one for those currently enrolled in grades seven through twelve, and one for those in grades two through six! Registration is October 4th, so don’t miss it!!
Who is PK/MK Retreat for: Children of ministers who are credential holders in the PennDel District of the A/G.
Arrival & Departure Times: PK/MK Retreat begins on Saturday, October 19th with registration at 2:30 – 3:00 PM in the David Center. The first meal served will be supper on Saturday. The retreat will conclude on Monday, October 21st with pick-up at 11:00 AM (no lunch will be served). All PK’s & MK’s attending should be a part of the entire retreat.
Cost for those with AG credentials: There is no charge for children of credential holders of the PennDel District.
Cost for non-AG Credentialed Ministers: If you are a pastoral staff member and DO NOT have credentials with the PennDel District Council of the A/G, your child(ren) may attend for $99.00 per child. Please include a check made payable to the PennDel District Council with your registration.
Registration: Attendance at the PK/MK Retreat is by advance registration only! To register, you must use the provided registration form below (due to the medical release). You may register online here, but we will still require the registration forms to be completed and submitted to our office prior to the event.
Registration Deadline: All registrations must be postmarked by October 4th. Please register as soon as possible to reserve your space! Those not registered in full cannot be accepted for the retreat.
Cancellations: If for any reason, you should discover that your child(ren) is/are unable to attend, please notify the District Office as soon as possible.
What to Bring: Bible, notebook, pen or pencil, pillow, sheets, blanket or sleeping bag, toiletries and personal items, towel and wash cloth. Bring casual clothing for the entire weekend and warm clothing for all activities.
What NOT to Bring: Please do not bring any items that would be detrimental to the facility or to others present. Included would be any kind of “prank” items, tobacco or drugs, fireworks, smoke bombs, radio, CD players, iPods, CELL PHONES, etc. You may bring sports/recreation equipment for free time activities, but do not bring any valuable personal items.
Questions? For Children’s Track questions, contact the CE Dept. at (717) 795-5921 or email megan@penndel.org.
Information Sheet – Children
Excused Absence Letter – Children’s Track
(For information on the youth track of PK/MK Retreat, please click here.)
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