02 May Lighting At Living Waters
Year: Summer (early 1970’s)
Place: Living Waters Kids Kamp – Cherry Tree, PA
The most significant story I remember from growing up and attending Living Waters Camp happened while I was serving as a Kids Kamp teen staff-helper for the kitchen.
One afternoon turned into a monumental milestone in my life as God showed Himself in a powerful way by protecting over 300 children and additional staff. During this particular afternoon, a severe thunderstorm came through the campground with dramatic thunder and lightning.
A lightning bolt struck the tabernacle with a loud crack and we literally saw it race across a metal rod above the platform & between the support beams. It ended up on the other side of the platform in the storage area beside the choir loft on the platform area where a 55 gallon drum of gasoline was stored from the previous week of Youth Camp for their go-carts. During this storm, Sister Crosby was on the platform teaching, along with some children, and the atmosphere was still filled with absolute calmness.
God’s amazing protection was upon each person in a powerful way. Not only were we all spared from a potential explosion, fire, panic or chaos; but we did not even experience power failure (which was always a huge issue in those days). The only effects were felt by one child who said he sensed a minor electric-type shock during this moment and the roof showed minor damage from a nearby tree.
I have used this illustration numerous times with our family and in ministry ever since this experience and the visual in my mind is as clear as the miraculous afternoon it happened!
Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”
Submitted by Tim Imes
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