Resume Candidate / Credentialed Minister

To be completed by Resume Candidate's current Network/District.

"*" indicates required fields

Minister's Name*
How involved is this minister in NETWORK/DISTRICT functions? 1 for least involved to 10 most involved.
2) Minister has a good relationship with their church board/leadership.*
3) Minister has a good relationship with the church congregation.*
4) Minister is teachable.*
In other words, are they open to counsel?
1 for least faithful to 10 most faithful.
1 for least fruitful to 10 for most fruitful.
7) Minister is timely in completing their ACMR report.*
8) Minister is timely in completing their credential renewal.*
9) Minister is faithful in Network/District financial support (according to C&BL).*
10) Should our PennDel Ministry Network Superintendent have a conversation with someone in your Network/District office regarding this resume candidate?*
Feel free to use this space to provide additional information you'd like to share.

Network/District Official's Name*
Network/District Official's Email*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Resume Candidate / Credentialed Minister

To be completed by Resume Candidate's current Network/District.

"*" indicates required fields

Minister's Name*
How involved is this minister in NETWORK/DISTRICT functions? 1 for least involved to 10 most involved.
2) Minister has a good relationship with their church board/leadership.*
3) Minister has a good relationship with the church congregation.*
4) Minister is teachable.*
In other words, are they open to counsel?
1 for least faithful to 10 most faithful.
1 for least fruitful to 10 for most fruitful.
7) Minister is timely in completing their ACMR report.*
8) Minister is timely in completing their credential renewal.*
9) Minister is faithful in Network/District financial support (according to C&BL).*
10) Should our PennDel Ministry Network Superintendent have a conversation with someone in your Network/District office regarding this resume candidate?*
Feel free to use this space to provide additional information you'd like to share.

Network/District Official's Name*
Network/District Official's Email*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.