09 May Beauty
Wow!This is a powerful video from Mosaic Church.I plan on using it this weekend in my Mother's Day message.It communicates God's grace and how He adds color to our lives. ...
Wow!This is a powerful video from Mosaic Church.I plan on using it this weekend in my Mother's Day message.It communicates God's grace and how He adds color to our lives. ...
**This post has nothing to do with politics, except what we can learn to help us be better pastors.**On the one hand, it seems there has been more than enough public analysis of Barack Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his public speeches (his...
In May, evangelical Christians across America will receive tens of billions of unexpected dollars from the IRS.We at State College A/G are encouraging our people to give in a short-term "Improving our Ministry Economy" campaign. You could make it for anything, but we...
Sven Bengsston's 11 ways to identify pride1. talks about self 2. wants the glory3. is not impressed by others4. is a bad listener5. lies to maintain a false front 6. lies to avoid embarrassment7. will not admit wrong8. has a hard time asking...
Wow, God messed me up tonight.Sven Benggston preach tonight on 11 ways to know if pride is creeping into your life. To my dismay and humiliation, I pretty much found myself in all 11 of them! Instead of praying for a lot of penitent sinners...
BrigePoint Church in Tarentum had their Grand Opening service on Sunday. They had a great service with 132 in attendance. This is another church plant through Allison Park. Congratulations to Pastor Greg & Francie Krowitz!Tarentum Church goes another Round in GymBy Michael AubeleVALLEY NEWS...
Ron Johnson will be with us this Tuesday (18'th) for our Catalyst meeting. It starts at 12 noon and goes to about 2pm. He is teaching on Leadership. Ron Pastored about 3000 until his resignation about a month ago. He's planted numerous churches here at...
Okay, it's just too quiet out there. So here's my little contribution for the month.We are celebrating 1 year anniversary of yet another attempt to reach people and bring them in. This has got to be the most odd idea ever, but it might also...
When energy goes from constructive to deconstructive, it is time to step back. I commend the originators of the FutureAG website for having the courage to unplug the site for a while. Because of this move they are taking, I believe that there will be...
Here is the latest promo for Youth Convention by Nick Palomo. Nick is the graphic designer that set up this C3 Blog for us....