Apply for your credentials with the Assemblies of God


We are excited that you are pursuing the call of God on your life and are honored to walk you through the steps of receiving your credentials!

On this page, you can scroll down to find a variety of information and useful resources. You can start by reviewing the necessary steps and requirements for receiving your credentials. Our team wants to provide you exactly what you need and answer any questions you may have regarding this process.

Please contact our credentials specialist, Jarusha with any initial questions you may have. Looking to apply for your credentials? Learn more here:

Steps to Apply

Looking to apply for your credentials?
Learn more here:

Jeff Marshall

Secretary-Treasurer & World Missions Director
Phone: 717-795-5921


The following qualifications pertain to all applicants for ministerial recognition:


  1. Salvation:  Testimony of having experienced the new birth (John 3:5).
  2. Baptism in the Holy Spirit:  Testimony to having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4).
  3. Evidence of call:  Clear evidence of a divine call to ministry, evidenced by a personal conviction, confirmed by the work of the Spirit and the testimony of fellow ministers.
  4. Christian Character:  A blameless Christian life and good report of those who are without (Titus 1:7, 1 Timothy 3:7).
  5. Doctrinal position:  A thorough understanding of an agreement with the doctrinal position of the Assemblies of God as contained in the Statement of Fundamental Truths.
  6. Assemblies of God polity:  A satisfactory working knowledge of the principles, practices, and purposes of the Fellowship through a study of the General Council and Penn-Del District Constitution and Bylaws.
  7. Commitment to the Fellowship:  An active loyalty to the constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit, and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of those in positions of authority.

Assemblies of God Credentials Examinations

The chart below indicates which new exams are required for each credential level, based on the type of application that is being submitted.

The new exams and procedures for all credential levels will be required for applications received into the district office beginning April 1, 2020.


EDUCATION:  All applicants must meet the appropriate educational requirements for the level of credential in which application is being made.  Please refer to “Education Requirements” under “Application.”  Two courses required of all applicants is MIN 171 – A Spirit-Empowered Church and  THE 142 AG History, Missions & Governance.  These courses can be completed online at, click on Berean School of the Bible or through our PennDel School of Ministry (


CERTIFICATE OF MINISTRY:  They shall show promise of usefulness in the gospel work.  They shall devote a part of their time to Christian ministry and, at the discretion of the district credentials committees, remain under the supervision of a pastor or a designated supervisor.  They shall be actively engaged in some aspect of ministry except in case of ill health or advanced age.


MINISTRY LICENSE:  Clear evidence of a divine call, a practical experience in preaching, together with an evident purpose to devote one’s time to preaching the gospel, except in case of ill health or infirmity.  This credential is required before advancing to Ordination.


ORDINATION:  Qualifications for Ordination are outlined in the New Testament scriptures (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-9).  They shall be persons of mature Christian experience who are qualified and able to undertake the responsibilities of the full ministry.  In addition:

  • Applicants must be twenty-three (23) years of age or older.
  • Applicants must be a member of the PennDel District Council for no less than one (1) year prior to ordination.
  • Applicants must possess a Licensed Minister credential at least two (2) consecutive years and been engaged in active work as a pastor, evangelist or other recognized full-time ministry for at least two (2) consecutive years immediately prior to submitting an application.
  • If the applicant is licensed in another district, approval to proceed with ordination must be received from the former district.


Credential Renewal Q&A

Q:  Is there a renewal fee?
A:  PennDel Ministry Network requires no renewal fees.  However, if you need to catch up on this year’s tithes/dues obligation, the standard practice is contributing 85% of tithes (from all sources of income, including housing allowance) as dues, per PDMN bylaws.  Tithes/dues must be submitted with your renewal form.  REMINDER: senior retired ministers and disabled ministers have their financial obligation waived.


Q:  What if I have not met my financial obligation to the PDMN or the General Council?
A:  Unless you represent a case of severe suffering, such as a major accident or medical problems, the General Council generally will not renew your credential until you have paid the annual dues for your credential level ($300 ordained, $240 licensed, $120 certified). If you have not met your tithing obligation to the PDMN or show a $0 or minimum balance for your giving for the year, please attach an explanation and we will contact you.


Q:  How do I renew? Why can’t I do it all online?
A:  The good news is that the General Council has made provision for renewing your credential online.  Please be sure to update your email address and all contact information with PDMN Secretary’s office and the General Council in order to receive the annual email and mailing to renew your credential.  You will then have the option of either renewing online, downloading your renewal form online to print, sign and return to Network Secretary, or completing the hard copy received via snail mail from the General Council and returning it to the Network Secretary.  Remember to mail the signed original to the Network Secretary with any tithes/dues check(s) that need to be included.


Q:  I am retired, do I need to renew? Who has to renew?
A:  Every credentialed Assemblies of God minister – regardless of your credential level (i.e., certified, licensed, ordained) and regardless of your status (active, disabled, senior active, senior retired) must renew annually.


Submit renewals prior to December 31st to avoid late fees.


Rhonda Imes

Processing requirements to upgrade your credential is 4 months, depending on the timing for application submission.  Plan your timeline around the district credential interview dates, listed on the Credentialing Calendar page.


Ordination Candidates: Completed upgrade ordination application materials must be received in our office by September 15th for ordination at District Council held each May.


The initiative to upgrade your credential must be taken by you, the credential holder.  Once you meet the education requirements, please contact us to request credential upgrade application materials.


The application process to upgrade your credential shares similarities with the application process for a new credential.  Once your completed application packet is received and processed, you will be contacted regarding scheduling your credential upgrade written exam for the level of credential you are pursuing and subsequently be interviewed by the credentials committee.




Phone: 717.795.5921

Minimum Academic Requirements

The General Council of The Assemblies of God offers the following credentials:

Certified Minister:

Successful completion of two years of study as a Biblical Studies or Ministry major at an Assemblies of God Institute/College or successful completion of the Global University Courses as required by the General Council.

Licensed Minister:

Successful completion of three years of study as a Biblical Studies or Ministry major at an Assemblies of God Institute/College or successful completion of the Global University Courses as required by the General Council.

Ordained Minister:

Successful completion of four years of study as a Biblical Studies of Ministry major at an Assemblies of God Institute/College or successful completion of the Global University Courses as required by the General Council for Ordained Minister.  Two years of approved AG ministry as a Licensed Minister is a prerequisite.

Non-Assemblies of God Biblical Education:
If you have completed theological coursework at non-Assemblies of God Institutions/Colleges, please contact Jarusha regarding transcript(s) evaluation.  Courses will be evaluated against the Global University course requirements.  Credit will be given based on this evaluation.

Educational Requirements by Level

Educational requirements can be satisfied in several ways:

  • Berean School of the Bible – go to, click on Berean School of the Bible, click your way to order the courses.  Courses for all three credential levels can be completed through Berean.
  • SEU The Academy – go to Please note, when taking courses with The Academy, a separate Practicum course is also required to fulfill the internship course portion. Certificate of Ministry requires PMIN 1302 Academy Practicum 1, License requires PMIN 1302 Academy Practicum 2, Ordained requires PMIN 1302 Academy Practicum
  • PennDel School of Ministry in Irwin, Philadelphia, Camp Hill and Bethlehem, PA  go to
  • Allison Park Leadership Academy in Allison Park, PA go to
  • Ministry Studies Online (MSO) go to
  • University of Valley Forge in Valley Forge, PA, go to

Upon successful completion of the Level One Ministerial Certificate, a student should possess the academic requirements to apply for Certified Minister status in The General Council of The Assemblies of God.  This would include a working knowledge of Bible study methods, New Testament content, and Pentecostal doctrine.  He or she should possess the basic skills needed to begin serving in a ministerial role in the local church.

*All Berean students are approved to self study the course – no district seminar provided.

BIB 114Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
BIB 121Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible
BIB 212New Testament Survey
BIB 214Old Testament Survey
MIN 171A Spirit-Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model
MIN 181Relationships and Ethics in Ministry
MIN 191Beginning Ministerial Internship
THE 114Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
THE 152The Assemblies of God: History, Missions and Governance
THE 211Introduction to Theology

Upon successful completion of Level Two Ministerial Certificate, a student should possess the academic requirements to apply for Licensed Minister status in The General Council of The Assemblies of God.  This would include a mastery of specified Bible content, systematic theology, and ministry skills.

BIB 115Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
BIB 117Prison Epistles
BIB 215Romans: Justification by Faith
MIN 123The Local Church in Evangelism
MIN 223Introduction to Homiletics
MIN 251Effective Leadership
MIN 261Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions
MIN 281Conflict Management for Church Leaders
MIN 291Intermediate Ministerial Internship
THE 245Eschatology:  A Study of Things to Come

*All Berean students are approved to self study the course – no district seminar provided.


Upon successful completion of Level Three Ministerial Certificate, a student should possess the academic requirements to apply for Ordained Minister status in The General Council of The Assemblies of God.  This would include mastery of several of the more difficult books of the Bible, advanced theological concepts, and administrative skills required for ministerial roles.

BIB 313The Corinthian Correspondence
BIB 318The Pentateuch
BIB 322The Poetic Books
MIN 325Preaching in the Contemporary World
MIN 327Church Administration, Finance, and Law
MIN 381Pastoral Ministry*
MIN 391Advanced Ministerial Internship
THE 311Prayer and Worship
 Pastoral Counseling

*All Berean students are approved to self study the course – no district seminar provided.

General Council Dues
The work of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in home and foreign fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the national offices.  The required minimum is:

  • Ordained – $25.00 monthly ($300 a year)
  • License – $20.00 monthly ($240 a year)
  • Certified – $10.00 monthly ($120 a year)
  • Senior Retired – free-will basis


PennDel Ministry Network – Ministry Tithe
Minister’s dues for all credentialed ministers (Certified, Licensed, Ordained) shall be 85% of tithe of all sources of income (including housing allowance).  Failure to fulfill one’s financial responsibility to the PennDel Ministry Network will result in a minister’s credential not renewing until the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the Penndel Ministry Network Credentials Committee.

Processing requirements to secure a credential is a minimum of 4 months, depending on the timing for completed application submission.  Please plan your timeline around the interview dates as listed below.


NOTE:  All Ordained Minister interviews are given priority for the January interviews, allowing sufficient time for the General Council to process and approve the applications in time for the Ordination Service at the May District Council.  The ordination application deadline is October 15th.



October 15th  (for January interviews)

November 15th  (for March interviews)

May 15th  (for September interviews)


Credentialing Calendar 2024 – Interview dates

January 9, 2024

March 19, 2024

September 10, 2024


Credentialing Calendar 2025 – Interview dates

January 7, 2025

March 18, 2025

September 9, 2025

We believe it is possible to maintain biblical standards for ministry and marriage, while at the same time offering a compassionate response to those who are called into ministry yet have a divorce and remarriage in their personal history. Perhaps these circumstances occurred before you came to Christ.  Perhaps you entered into a marriage based upon fraudulent or deceptive circumstances, or a divorce occurred due to infidelity or abandonment by your former spouse.  In any case, these are painful circumstances that should not necessarily disqualify you from fulfilling God’s call upon your life.


We welcome the opportunity to help you explore the possibilities of pursuing God’s call.  We will treat your application with the utmost respect and confidentiality.  We will afford you the dignity of listening to your story and will serve you gladly in the process.  If your situation qualifies for General Council Recognition, we will move forward to facilitate your credentialing process. Please contact Jarusha, for further information and assistance in helping you take the next steps in responding to God’s call on your life.

Applicants who desire to reinstate a ministerial credential must complete the Reinstatement Application packet with the required forms in addition to paying the credential reinstatement fee.


Included in the application reinstatement process will be:  Reinstatement Application, References, Background Report with a credit check and an interview.


NOTE:  If a credential has lapsed 7 years or more, the minister exams must also be completed again.


If the credential lapsed or was resigned in a District other than the PennDel Ministry Network, a letter of recommendation and/or clearance from the previous District must be submitted.


It is important to note that any unpaid General Council dues must also be paid directly to the General Council.  If tithes are due to the PennDel Ministry Network, those must be brought current as well.




Phone: 717-795-5921

Call is God’s invitation.

Call is different for everyone. God calls people at all stages and times of their lives. Call means you have gifts and talents that are needed in the church and in the world.


All of us are called to use our gifts and talents the best we can in the church. We call this ministry. What you are called to is different for everyone. Some are called to be a teacher, prison chaplain, world missionary – but all become messengers of the Gospel.


Pastors are called to a lifetime ministry of service, Word, sacrament, and leadership. Pastors are authorized to preach and teach God’s Word, to administer the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and to order the life of the church for mission and ministry.


The PennDel Ministry Network wants to partner with you in answering God’s call!



Jarusha Bonitz


Phone: 717.795.5921


PROPER MOTIVES – Voluntary Cooperative Fellowship

Membership in The General Council of The Assemblies of God is based on the principle of cooperative fellowship.  A cooperative fellowship provides certain benefits and invokes responsibilities upon its members.


This working relationship can be described in terms of “voluntary cooperation.”  By “voluntary,” it is meant that a commitment is voluntarily made on the part of individual members for the benefits that come from working together in a common effort.


By “cooperation,” it is meant that to the best of each member’s ability, he or she will comply with and support the decisions of the body which set forth and define the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon each member of the fellowship.


Hence, “voluntary cooperation” means that when a person of his or her own free will decides to become a cooperating member of The General Council of The Assemblies of God, his or her cooperation is committed to the fellowship and is no longer optional.




Every applicant ought to feel that the organization of The General Council of The Assemblies of God is the fellowship into which God has called them.  They are to be one with these people and adhere to the same tenets of faith, principles, purposes, and practices as those they now join.  They must be one who is committed to the fellowship, willing to not only share in its privilege and blessing but to cooperate with its ministries.  They must be guided by, and when necessary, accept the discipline and direction of its leadership.